Our History


Our club played its first match on the cricket ground at Fatherwell Hall, between Offham and West Malling, against the gardners of the hall in the summer of 1944. In 1945 a return fixture was arranged, to celebrate the return of two players from the war. It was played on land on Church Road, Offham, owned by Mrs EmilyCosgrove, that had been farmed by the Betts family. This piece of land became the current cricket ground when was donated to the Parish Council and then leased to the cricket club in perpetuity. The club has continued to play there ever since. 



Mrs Cosgrove consequently became the first club president in 1946 and held that post until 1972. Since then members of the Betts family have held the post, with Stephen Betts taking over the role from his father, Stuart, in 2020. Although still not one of the largest grounds around it was originally significantly smaller as a field existed on its western side. A fence divided the two spaces running from the gate (Brooker Gate) on North Meadow to a current five bar gate on the other side of the ground. It was not until 1985 that the ajoining field became part of the cricket ground. In its years days weekend play was also restricted to only each Saturday, as a no sport was permitted on the Sabbath. Over the years many well known players have been associated with the club or played at the ground. One of the most notable was Colin Page, Kent 1950s off break bowler and legendary manager of the Kent team in the 1970s. Colin lived next to the Offham ground and was the club Chairman 1968 - 1971. During this period the club bar was opened by a number of the county players, including in the photo below Norman Graham, Brian Luckhurst, John Shepherd and Bob Woolmer. Colin Page is far right. 



In August 2014 the club also hosted a match against a host of ex-international players including England players John Emburey, Adam Hollioake, Alex Tudor and Devon Malcolm.




Prior to the creation of the existing Shepherd Neame Kent League structure, the club played in the Mid Kent League. In 2001 both teams were promoted to the Kent League by virtue of the 1XI winning the Mid Kent League and the 2XI finishing Runners-Up of their competition. In 2012 the 1st XI were Kent League Division 5 champions and were promoted. The club badge depicts the medival quintain which stands on the village green, believed to be the last remaining one in the country. The information below shows the past officers of the club.

W. Pratt1962 - 1968Mrs E. Cosgrove1962 - 1972
J.C.T. Page1968 - 1971L.J. Betts1972 - 1983
R.D. Miskin1971 - 1974S.R. Betts1983 - 2020
J.H.C. Puxley1974 - 1977S. Betts2020 -
H.E. Butler1977 - 1981
P. Lomas1981 - 1993  
P.T.M. Notton1993 - 1996  
R.C. Barnden1996 - 2000  
R.A. Woodhams

2000 - 2021



N.J. Willis2021 -   


C.ST.J. Thomas1962 - 1966H.E. Butler1962 - 1987
A.W. Rickardson1966 - 1968M.J. Gittings1987 -
W. Pratt1968 - 1970
Mrs A. Adams1970 - 1972
D. De Ath1972 - 1973
D. Wickwar1973 - 1974
P.T.M. Notton1974 - 1977
T. Rowe1977 - 1980
P.T.M. Notton1980 - 1990
P. Othen1990 - 1992
R.G Foreman1992 - 2006 
M.H. Stoodley2006 - 2017
K. Washington2017 - 2020  
D. Blakeburn2020 -  


Bar Secretary
D. Wickwar2010 - 2015
B. Gittings2015 -



Saturday 1st XI CaptainSaturday 2nd XI CaptainSunday XI Captain

Sunday 2nd XI Captain

Saturday 3rd XI Captain  
H. Barnden1945 - 1946P.T.M. Notton1980 - 1983G. Hubbard1974 - 1976P.T.M. Notton1980 - 1983G Ward / S Hallbrook2022 - 
P. Croud1946 - 1947M.J. Gittings1983 - 1989D. Wickwar1976 - 1985M.J. Gittings1983 - 1987   
W.G.V. Puxley1947 - 1951R.A. Woodhams1989 - 1990G. Wood1985 - 1988P.T.M. Notton1987 - 1991   
S.R. Betts1951 - 1954P.T.M. Notton1990 - 1992A. Taffs1988 - 1991G. Wood1991 - 1992   
D. Howells1954 - 1957J. Dunk1992 - 1993G. Day1991 - 1992P.T.M. Notton1992 - 1996   
F.C. Collins1957 - 1960D. Wickwar1993 - 1994M.H. Stoodley1992 - 1994S. Busbridge1996 - 1997   
E. Clifton1960 - 1961M.H. Stoodley1994 - 1996D. Stoodley1994 - 1995Vacant1997 - 2002   
J.C.H. Puxley1961 - 1974P. Othen1996 - 1997J. Smith1995 - 1996T. Wratten2002 - 2003   
D. Wickwar1974 - 1975S. Preston1997 - 1999D. Wickwar1996 - 1999   
D. De Ath1975 - 1976M.H. Stoodley1999 - 2001S. Rogers1999 - 2000   
D. Wickwar1976 - 1990T. Wratten2001 - 2003M.C. Wickwar2000 - 2002   
M. Brooker1990 - 1996M. England2003 - 2007M. England2002 - 2003   
J. Smith1996 - 1997N. Willis2007 - 2013M.J. Gittings2003 - 2006   
M.J. Gittings1997 - 2001M. Brooker2013 - 2015A. Bailey2006 - 2007   
P. Heine2001 - 2005G. Razey2015 - 2018P. Blakeburn2007 - 2008   
G. Razey2005 - 2009A. Harcourt2018 - 2019T .Gittings2008 - 2012   
A. Cox2009 - 2010J. Rothwell2019 - 2021D. Blakeburn2012 - 2014   
A. Stuart2010 - 2011G. Razey2021 - J. Powell2014 - 2016   
G. Razey2011 - 2011H. Legg2016 - 2018   
L. Watt2011 - 2012G. Razey2021 -   
T. Gittings2012 - 2016D Francis2022 -   
J. Ardley2016 - 2018   
N. Stoodley2018 - 2019   
H. Legg2019 -